Saturday, February 02, 2008

A Project that I am Excited About

I sure must be excited to spend my Friday evening up to my elbows in paint and decoupage. I saw this concept somewhere on the web and I recreated my own version of it and I LOVE it.

I had bought a couple canvas' and was thinking of what I could do with them-- Definitely not enthusiastic about recreating my Amazing Grace but was trying to think of a twist on it. Well I found one. And here is the process.

Painted the canvas and started attaching scrapbook paper squares. I just picked out paper from my collection that I love with no thought as to color or pattern, and it just worked.

About halfway done

All the way done, just need to trim edges and add vinyl.

Oh but wait, I temporarily lose my focus when I should be adding vinyl to it and decide that I need to make another one right away. Have a baby shower to attend tomorrow and I need a cool gift that involves vinyl. They expect it. And yes, the baby is a girl, so I picked paper that has mainly pink but wanted a little green because that is what her room in done in. The squares are a tad bit bigger also.

Ok, now I can add vinyl. Knock them out both at once, right? This is going to go on my soon to be shelf in my foyer. That is in the garage waiting for final touches too!! I need a clone.

Mega cute- I just can't stand it.

Everyone should have one

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute, cute, super cute! I once did a whole bedroom floor with carpet scraps and samples--it was amazing how good that worked......

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 2 inch satin ribbon with a large floppie bow would also look Great on the baby shower gift--(ribbon hanger)all canves have a wood frame and you could use fancy nailheads on the sides! Wonderful job--keep it up!!

10:58 PM  

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