You see this kid? Well I certainly do because I understand him from the inside out. I would do anything for him and yet, I am standing at a crossroad right now. He is a sensitive child who gets his feelings hurt pretty easy. He totally loves his cat, Pepsi and his 2 hermit crabs, Nixon and Kirby. He goes out of his way to take care of them. He is unbelievably creative and can dream up all sorts of things to build and take apart. He loves being outside doing boy things, such as building forts, building a Go-cart, riding bikes and skating. He has a quirky sense of humor that not just anyone would appreciate. He loves his back scratched and is happy to give the favor in return. He is pretty rotten to his sister though- but we are working through that.
He is also very aware that he is behind his peers in school. No fault of his own because it just the way his mind works. He is as smart as a whip but his mind works a little differently than most. And unfortunately, the public school system doesn't see him the way I do. He has to go back though. I feel like I can do no more for him but I have this overwhelming sense that I am throwing him into a lion's den to defend himself and his self-esteem.
Yesterday I spent the majority of the day trying to get the kids enrolled back into school. It turned into a big arguement towards the end when they wanted me to sign a permission slip so "they" could administer a 3-hour test today to both Bridger and Jadyn. The permission slip specifically has the NO WAY option on it, so I marked it. Then "they" all ganged up on me (I have been in this spot before! It is like a bad nightmare) and told me that if I didn't allow it they would stop the enrollment process.
So why do they give that option on the permission slip?!?!?!
I was so upset by this last night I could not think of anything else. Then this morning came my bright spot. I called the Montessori Private School in town and asked if they had a spot for Bridger. The answer was YES!!!!
If you are not familiar with Montessori- it is the coolest concept ever. The school does not have desks for children because they don't believe a child learns by sitting in a desk all day doing busy work. They beleive that a child learns best by DOING-- not copying, rote memorization, busy work just to fill time. Everything, I mean everything is hands-on. Lessons are given one-on-one with a teacher/student. They garden, take care of animals, cook, math is hands-on and visual, reading and language arts is the same. THIS IS BRIDGER.
Of course, this all comes with a cost. And that is what Keith and I are going to have to work out. I am willing to eat beans everyday if that is what it takes and cut back on whatever plans we have for the future. We tour the school next week to make our final decision, but as of right now, I see no other way.
His self-esteem and confidence and love for learning is important to me.